Top 11 Uses for Pickle Juice or Fermented Brine

FermentsInRowDon’t toss this out – it’s liquid gold! It’s full of lively probiotic bacteria and it tastes good too! You can also substitute kimchi, kraut or other veggie brine here.

  1. Drink it!
  2. Add it to your cultured magic mayo or even to plain mayo
  3. Add it to salad dressings – cut back or replace the vinegar to adjust the recipe
  4. Add it to egg or tuna salad – or one of my favorites – 1/2 tuna and 1/2 egg salad
  5. Add a dash to dips for veggies
  6. Use it in a pickle juice soup
  7. Add some to deviled eggs
  8. Add it to potato salad
  9. Add some zest to your soup – try adding to beet soup as a finishing touch – make sure the soup is not too hot – best to add it to cool summer soups
  10. Bloody Marys!
  11. Pickle juice popsicles – one of our favorites!

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