Have you tried Simple Squares Organic Nutrition Bars? Not yet? Well, let me share my review of these handy bars.
Simple Squares are an organic nutrition bar made with simple ingredients (hence the name). All the bars have just a handful of ingredients and you can easily identify them all without using Google. They have 5 main ingredients and then a few extras like salt or a spice.
Simple Squares are made with 100% clean ingredients.
- USDA Organic
- Non-GMO Certified
- Raw and certified Paleo
- High in protein & fiber
- No wheat, gluten, dairy, corn or soy
- No refined sugars and low in sodium
I’m not generally a huge fruit/nut bar fan myself since most commercial bars have some sketchy ingredients or ingredients I need to avoid for health reasons (like gluten). And most of them are really sweet. In case you missed it, I’m more of a sour/savory flavor type of gal. There are even less bars that are all organic, so I was eager to try Simple Squares (especially as a future option to serve my kids when we are on the run).
Fortunately, Simple Squares has got you covered for a comfortable balance of both sweet and savory. It was fun to receive a box with all the flavors to sample (I love finding samples of cool new products in my mailbox).
I’m impressed with the 8 flavors that Simple Squares has created. Check out this lineup: Chili-Pep, Cho-Coco, Cinna-clove, Coconut, Coffee, Ginger, Rosemary and Sage. Rosemary and the Sage, now that’s a flavor profile that I’ve never seen before in a bar. Turns out that Sage or Rosemary add a delightful twist to the typical nut/fruit bar flavor that one would typically expect.
Interestingly, all the bars have approximately the same macronutrient profile. Each bar supplies 230 calories. (I’ve found some pretty wild fluctuations with other brands of bars – especially with respect to the grams of sugar.) It’s nice to be able to rest easy with Simple Squares.
- Protein: 6g
- Carbs: 16g
- Sugar: 9g
- Fiber: 3g
- Fat: 16g
I was quite excited to see such a nice amount of healthy fat in these bars. This is exactly what you need to keep your blood sugar balanced and your metabolism humming plus provide beneficial brain power support. Finally a bar that is not going to send your blood sugar skyrocket high.
These are also quite tasty broken up and added to fermented kefir or yogurt. I’m foreseeing an experiment with some kefir ice cream and fresh berries as the weather warms up.
Our family found these bars to be fairly subtle in flavor. For example, you can certainly detect the difference between the Chili-pep and Sage, but neither are that strong. My kids who were a bit hesitant to try the Chili-pep discovered that this one was by far their favorite. It’s not spicy but it does have a nice bit of zing to it.
Here’s what’s in the Chili Pep bar: Organic Cashews, Organic Almonds, Organic Honey, Organic Sweetened Coconut, Chili Pepper, Sea Salt and Organic Vanilla Extract.
We averaged each person’s favorites and then averaged them together. Here are our results starting from our top pick on down:
- Chili-pep
- Coffee
- Sage
- Choco
- Rosemary
- Coconut
- Cinna-clove
There was only one flavor that both kids weren’t that excited about and that was the Cinna-clove bar. But try that one for yourself; several other people who sampled them at a few of my workshops loved this one.
We really liked the texture. They are not overly smooth or gummy like a Larabar or a Cliff Kit Bar
. There is definitely a more distinct mouth-feel of nuts and fruit pieces rather then a uniformly distributed mixture that is smoother. It seems like the bar is chopped just fine enough to hold together and it looks much more appetizing to me then the other bars I’ve tried.
Ready to Try Some?
First, enter our giveaway and perhaps you will score a free caddy of 12 bars. Or if you need instant gratification (and who doesn’t), check out your local health food store, Whole Foods, Sprouts, Amazon or order online direct from Simple Squares.
If you want to win the Simple Square giveaway, please use the Rafflecopter entry form above. This includes free shipping to a U.S. address. An international winner will be responsible for paying the shipping cost and any applicable custom duty/taxes.
Giveaway opens April 25, 2015 and closes on May 12, 2013 at 12:00am. One winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond.
Note: I didn’t receive payment or compensation other than Simple Square Samples (and a cool t-shirt) for this review. I am not an affiliate of of Simple Squares.